Can I adjust the email sender for emails sent through Coupontools?
By default, the emails sent from our platform, are sent with sender
Only if you own a custom domain license we are able to adjust that email sender.
A 3-steps domain verification is a required step to confirm ownership of a domain
DKIM record
SPF record
Email verification
Add a new TXT record with the name
(just replace with the domain you're setting up).
The value for the record should be the value listed below.
""v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCrLHiExVd55zd/IQ/J/mRwSRMAocV/hMB3jXwaHH36d9NaVynQFYV8NaWi69c1veUtRzGt7yAioXqLj7Z4TeEUoOLgrKsn8YnckGs9i3B3tVFB+Ch/4mPhXWiNfNdynHWBcPcbJ8kjEQ2U8y78dHZj1YeRXXVvWob2OaKynO8/lQIDAQAB;""
If you don't have an SPF record yet, you'll need to add one for your domain. At a minimum, the value should be the following if you're only sending mail through Mandrill for that domain:
""v=spf1 ?all""
To confirm ownership of the domain, we'll send an email with a confirmation link to the address you specify, so you'll need to make sure that the domain can accept incoming email. The email address for receiving the confirmation email has to be
Login to Godaddy
Go to overview domains
Click on 'DNS' next to your domain
Click on 'Add' and select 'TXT record'
Host : mandrill._domainkey
TXT value: see code example above
TTL: 1 hour
Hit save and your DKIM record is ready.
Click on 'Add' and select 'TXT record'
Host : @
TXT value: v=spf1 ?all
TTL: 1 hour
Hit save and your SPF record is ready
Make sure you are able to receive emails on your domain
Inform our support team after these steps are completed and we can setup the domain sender in our platform.
Only if you own a custom domain license we are able to adjust that email sender.
A 3-steps domain verification is a required step to confirm ownership of a domain
DKIM record
SPF record
Email verification
Step 1 : DKIM record
Add a new TXT record with the name
(just replace with the domain you're setting up).
The value for the record should be the value listed below.
""v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCrLHiExVd55zd/IQ/J/mRwSRMAocV/hMB3jXwaHH36d9NaVynQFYV8NaWi69c1veUtRzGt7yAioXqLj7Z4TeEUoOLgrKsn8YnckGs9i3B3tVFB+Ch/4mPhXWiNfNdynHWBcPcbJ8kjEQ2U8y78dHZj1YeRXXVvWob2OaKynO8/lQIDAQAB;""
Step 2 : SPF record
If you don't have an SPF record yet, you'll need to add one for your domain. At a minimum, the value should be the following if you're only sending mail through Mandrill for that domain:
""v=spf1 ?all""
Step 3 : Email verification
To confirm ownership of the domain, we'll send an email with a confirmation link to the address you specify, so you'll need to make sure that the domain can accept incoming email. The email address for receiving the confirmation email has to be
Godaddy example
Login to Godaddy
Go to overview domains
Click on 'DNS' next to your domain
Click on 'Add' and select 'TXT record'
Host : mandrill._domainkey
TXT value: see code example above
TTL: 1 hour
Hit save and your DKIM record is ready.
Click on 'Add' and select 'TXT record'
Host : @
TXT value: v=spf1 ?all
TTL: 1 hour
Hit save and your SPF record is ready
Make sure you are able to receive emails on your domain
Inform our support team after these steps are completed and we can setup the domain sender in our platform.
Aktualisiert am: 27/01/2022