How can I add rewards to my loyalty card?
For each loyalty card you can setup multiple rewards.
We offer 3 types of loyalty cards.
Stamp card (Example: receive 5 stamps and get a small reward. After 10 stamps you'll get a big reward)
Points card (Example: receive 50 points and get a small reward, retrieve 100 points and you'll get a big reward.)
Reward card: (Example: collect points and redeem points for rewards. This allows multiple rewards where the user can select rewards based on his available points)
Example: You can setup a stamp card that requires 10 stamps to have a completed card, but you can also provide a reward at for example 5 stamps.
Example: You can setup a points card that requires 100 points to have a completed card, but you can also provide a reward at for example 25 points, 50 points and 75 points.
This card works different. The administration will only setup how many points the user need per reward but the user can decide himself which rewards he want to take.
The user will see all available rewards, unavailable rewards are visible but greyed-out.

We offer 3 types of loyalty cards.
Stamp card (Example: receive 5 stamps and get a small reward. After 10 stamps you'll get a big reward)
Points card (Example: receive 50 points and get a small reward, retrieve 100 points and you'll get a big reward.)
Reward card: (Example: collect points and redeem points for rewards. This allows multiple rewards where the user can select rewards based on his available points)
Stamp card
Example: You can setup a stamp card that requires 10 stamps to have a completed card, but you can also provide a reward at for example 5 stamps.

Points card
Example: You can setup a points card that requires 100 points to have a completed card, but you can also provide a reward at for example 25 points, 50 points and 75 points.

Reward card
This card works different. The administration will only setup how many points the user need per reward but the user can decide himself which rewards he want to take.
The user will see all available rewards, unavailable rewards are visible but greyed-out.

Aktualisiert am: 27/01/2022