How to create a loyalty card?
In this article, we will explain to you how to create a loyalty card.
To create a loyalty card, go to 'Loyalty Cards' and click on 'Create Loyalty Card' on your dashboard

On the General tab you can give your loyalty card a name. For example: A Company's Loyalty Card.
Powered by settings: With this you can write down your brand name and if the customer taps or click on it then they will be redirected to your website, for example.
Amount of stamps or points: With this, you can set up the max amount of stamps or points on your loyalty card.
(For example (stamp card), if the amount of stamps is at 6 then the customer will receive their final reward after 6 stamps. Same as for 8, 10 and 12 stamps.
Validation settings)
You can write the Terms and conditions in the Terms tab
On the Description tab you can set up the name of your loyalty card and add a description about this loyalty card

In the layout tab you can upload your logo, back image, stamp image (not punched and punched), setup your font and setup your background style

In the overview tab you can find:
Front Card: This is the image you will see on the loyalty cards overview from the customer

A favicon. The favicon will be displayed on the tab page of your browser

A homescreen icon. The homescreen icon will be displayed if you share the link through Whatsapp and/or Facebook Messenger

Here you can setup the location(s) of all the stores that are able to validate the loyalty card. On the merchants section you can create a login for the merchants by simply entering their email address and creating a password for them while setting up the location. Merchants can use our validation app or widget to add stamps or points.
Beacons: Customers can save their loyalty cards on their mobile (Apple Wallet, Android Wallet) and if they are nearby a location where they can receive points or stamps, then they will receive a push notification.
You can also add a Google analytics tracking code as well.
The Analytics tracking code is a snippet of JavaScript that collects and sends data to Analytics from a website.
The Analytics tracking code may be directly added directly to the HTML of each page on your site, or indirectly using a tag management system such as Google Tag Manager.

Here you can decide with what the user should sign up with. You have to choose at least one of the 3 registrations
On the Rewards page you can add coupon rewards. For example, if the customer has reached 3 stamps on their loyalty card then he / she will receive a small reward. If the customer has reached 10 stamps (Amount of stamps on settings page) then he / she will receive their final reward because they have completed their loyalty card

You can enable customer QR-code, unique customer code and Validation Password. If you enable Validation Password then the Merchant can simply enter their password on the customer's loyalty card instead of scanning it first and / or enter their password on or on the validation app.
Every customer has a unique loyalty card that is either connected to their Facebook, Gmail or email address.
Max Stamps per day & client: With this you can setup a limit of how many stamps a customer is able to receive per day. You can choose between 1 stamp per day to unlimited stamps per day.
* With validation limitation you can setup a time of how long a customer has to wait until he / she is able to validate their loyalty card again by a merchant.
To create a loyalty card, go to 'Loyalty Cards' and click on 'Create Loyalty Card' on your dashboard
General settings

On the General tab you can give your loyalty card a name. For example: A Company's Loyalty Card.
Powered by settings: With this you can write down your brand name and if the customer taps or click on it then they will be redirected to your website, for example.
Amount of stamps or points: With this, you can set up the max amount of stamps or points on your loyalty card.
(For example (stamp card), if the amount of stamps is at 6 then the customer will receive their final reward after 6 stamps. Same as for 8, 10 and 12 stamps.
Validation settings)
You can write the Terms and conditions in the Terms tab
On the Description tab you can set up the name of your loyalty card and add a description about this loyalty card


In the layout tab you can upload your logo, back image, stamp image (not punched and punched), setup your font and setup your background style

In the overview tab you can find:
Front Card: This is the image you will see on the loyalty cards overview from the customer

A favicon. The favicon will be displayed on the tab page of your browser

A homescreen icon. The homescreen icon will be displayed if you share the link through Whatsapp and/or Facebook Messenger

Here you can setup the location(s) of all the stores that are able to validate the loyalty card. On the merchants section you can create a login for the merchants by simply entering their email address and creating a password for them while setting up the location. Merchants can use our validation app or widget to add stamps or points.
Advanced settings
Beacons: Customers can save their loyalty cards on their mobile (Apple Wallet, Android Wallet) and if they are nearby a location where they can receive points or stamps, then they will receive a push notification.
You can also add a Google analytics tracking code as well.
The Analytics tracking code is a snippet of JavaScript that collects and sends data to Analytics from a website.
The Analytics tracking code may be directly added directly to the HTML of each page on your site, or indirectly using a tag management system such as Google Tag Manager.

Here you can decide with what the user should sign up with. You have to choose at least one of the 3 registrations
On the Rewards page you can add coupon rewards. For example, if the customer has reached 3 stamps on their loyalty card then he / she will receive a small reward. If the customer has reached 10 stamps (Amount of stamps on settings page) then he / she will receive their final reward because they have completed their loyalty card

You can enable customer QR-code, unique customer code and Validation Password. If you enable Validation Password then the Merchant can simply enter their password on the customer's loyalty card instead of scanning it first and / or enter their password on or on the validation app.
Every customer has a unique loyalty card that is either connected to their Facebook, Gmail or email address.
Max Stamps per day & client: With this you can setup a limit of how many stamps a customer is able to receive per day. You can choose between 1 stamp per day to unlimited stamps per day.
* With validation limitation you can setup a time of how long a customer has to wait until he / she is able to validate their loyalty card again by a merchant.
Updated on: 03/03/2020
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