Artikel über: Directories

How to set up top-level categories for a coupon directory

You can set up 2 types of categories for your Coupon Directory. Custom categories and top-level categories. Keep in mind that top-level categories are 'an on request feature'. Get in touch with support to enable this for you.

What is a Top-level categorie?
This is an extra dimension for your main categories. E.g. Top level categories can be regions while main categories are industries. It helps the admin to segment better and improves the userfriendliness for users while browsing deals.

The setup:

If you have requested access to the feature, open your coupon directory builder. Navigate to the advanced settings (1) and enable 'use mutli-level categories'. (2)

Next, go to general settings (1) and scroll all the way down. Enable 'category dropdown list' (2)

Keep in mind the top-level categories only work using the 'category dropdown list' option.

Next, go to categories (1). Select top-level category (2) and press on 'add category' (3).

A modal opens. Enter a name for your top-level category (I use 'top-level category 1'). Select an icon and hit add. Repeat this gesture to add another one. I name it: 'Top-level category 2'.

Let's now add some coupons to your directory and immediately categorize them. Navigate to 'campaigns' (1) and hit 'add coupon' (2)

The modal below appears. Select a coupon and hit proceed. Another modal pops up. Select a main category and a custom category. Hit save and the coupon and categories are successfully added to your directory. Repeat this gesture a couple times until you have 4 coupons in your directory. Make sure that you take various categories to have the optimal preview result.

Let's preview. Hit the preview button of your directory. Your directory appears. Now select one of your predefined categories.

A second dropdown window pops up allowing you to select your (sub) custom category.

Aktualisiert am: 27/01/2022

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