Artikel über: Vouchers

How can I simulate the purchase of a voucher?

You can use our Stripe payment method to simulate a purchase of the voucher.

You will notice that Stripe already has a secret key and a publishable key for every template.
You can replace our example Stripe keys with your own test keys so you can see the payment in your Stripe dashboard.

You can use these demo credit card credentials to purchase a voucher:

Card holder name: John Doe

Card Number: 4242424242424242

Card expiry date: 12 / 2022 (any future date)

CVV: 424 (any 3 digit code)

Eventually it will look like this after you have filled in these credentials:

Press Buy now and you have successfully purchased a voucher!

NOTE: No real money will be withdrawn from your credit card. This is just a simulation to give you an idea of how the flow works / the voucher purchase process.

Aktualisiert am: 27/01/2022

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