Manage white label settings
As an admin account, you have the possibility of showing extra information for your subaccounts. It's also possible to add third-party app installations. Follow my lead for the setup.
Those settings are not necessary but I'd highly recommend configuring those settings.
Navigate to 'white label' (1) and press on 'settings' (2).

The content page will be visible as a button in your subaccount's menu. Use the content page for example for instructions or guidelines. It is possible to customize the button text (1) so it matches your text (2). It will be shown as in the image below.

The contact page will be displayed as a menu tab as well.

Thanks to the third-party app installation you can integrate various third party applications such as live chats, Google analytics,.. Keep in mind to NOT include < script > tags in your integration code.

Those settings are not necessary but I'd highly recommend configuring those settings.
Navigate to 'white label' (1) and press on 'settings' (2).

Content page
The content page will be visible as a button in your subaccount's menu. Use the content page for example for instructions or guidelines. It is possible to customize the button text (1) so it matches your text (2). It will be shown as in the image below.

Contact page
The contact page will be displayed as a menu tab as well.

Third-party app installation
Thanks to the third-party app installation you can integrate various third party applications such as live chats, Google analytics,.. Keep in mind to NOT include < script > tags in your integration code.

Updated on: 20/09/2023
Thank you!