Where can I find my captured data of my coupon?
To find your captured data, go to the coupon overview on your dashboard and click on 'Actions' of the coupon you would like to see the captured data from

After you have clicked on 'Actions', select 'Statistics'

If you scroll all the way down, you will find a list of all the people who has claimed and validated your coupon.

If you want to export the captured data, press 'Export' and select 'Export all data' and a CSV file will be automatically downloaded on your computer.

Read more about exporting and opening your captured data here:
You can also get your captured data by working with API and Zapier
Click on the following link to see our API documentation: https://www.coupontools.com/en/api-and-webhooks
Click on the following link to read more about our Zapier Integration: https://www.coupontools.com/en/zapier-integration
Updated on: 04/03/2020
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