How to create a loyalty card?
In this article, we will explain to you how to create a loyalty card.
To create a loyalty card, go to 'Loyalty Cards' and click on 'Create Loyalty Card' on your dashboard
General settings
On the General tab you can give your loyalty card a name. For example: A Company's Loyalty Card.
Powered by settings: With this you can write down your brand namWenig LeserWhich types of loyalty cards can I create?
We have 3 different types of loyalty cards:
After a customer has received a certain amount of stamps, then he/she will receive a reward. Exact the same as a punch card. The rewards are setup by the business owner. The customer cannot choose a reward.
( LeserHow do I send push notifications to my customers who saved their loyalty card in their mobile wallet?
Go to the Launch section in the loyalty card builder
Under distribution methods you will see Wallet push notifications
After clicking on 'Wallet push notifications' you will see a green button that says + New Push Notification
(htWenig LeserHow to setup rewards for my loyalty card?
You can setup rewards in the loyalty card builder by going to Rewards section
On the Rewards page you can add multiple rewards. For example, if the customer has reached 3 stamps on their loyalty card then he/she will receive a small reward. If the customer has reached 10 stamps then he/she will receive their big reward because they have completed their loyalty card
(htWenig LeserHow to void a Loyalty Card User as a merchant
If you suspect fraud, it is possible to void that user. Here's how you take care of that.
Log in to '' and log in as a merchant using the credentials of that merchant. You'll find these credentials in the locations of your loyalty card.
Let's now look for the customer's unique code which we need to void their card. Navigate to your LoyaWenig LeserHow do I change the powered by text on my loyalty card?
To change the 'Powered by Coupontools' text to your company name, go to General Settings on your loyalty card builder.
Under General settings tab you will see 'Powered by name:' and 'Powered by website:'
There you can change the 'Powered by Coupontools' tWenig LeserWhat is the front card image?
Front Card: This is the image you will see on the loyalty cards overview from the customer. If the customer has multiple loyalty cards in his wallet he can easily find his card back based on the image.
You can upload a front card image in the loyalty card builder in the layout sectionWenig LeserWhere can a consumer find their reward(s) received in their loyalty card?
The customer can find his rewards on the loyalty card.
by surfing to the URL
by clicking the URLS on the backpage of the mobile wallet loyalty card
by clicking in the URLS in the email
The customer can find their rewards in the 'Rewards' tab
( LeserIs it possible to save the loyalty cards in my mobile wallet like Apple Wallet, Apple Passbook, WalletPasses for Android?
Yes, each loyalty card can be stored in the Apple Wallet or Android WalletPasses.
How can a user store the card to his mobile wallet?
Users can store their loyalty cards by going to Select the card you want to save and click on the hamburger icon the top right of your loyalty card after you have clicked on 'Open card'. There you will see the option 'Save to mobile wallet'
( LeserHow do rewards work with loyalty cards?
A reward is basically a coupon. If a customer reaches a certain amount of points or stamps in their card, then they will receive a reward. A loyalty card can have multiple rewards
The amount of rewards is limited on a stamp and point card.
This can be set up in the 'Rewards' section of your loyalty card builder but make sure that you create a coupon first before you start setting up rewards.
To create a coupon, click on 'Create Coupon' in the left menu of your dashboard or click oWenig LeserHow to deduct points from a loyalty card
You can add/deduct points to/from a loyalty card. I'll show you how to handle it. Check the video below or follow the step-by-step written guidelines.
First, open a Loyalty Card in the loyalty card builder. We first need to set up a location. Go to general settings (1), locations (2) and press 'add location' (3)
The modal below opens up. The company (1), email addressWenig LeserHow can I add rewards to my loyalty card?
For each loyalty card you can setup multiple rewards.
We offer 3 types of loyalty cards.
Stamp card (Example: receive 5 stamps and get a small reward. After 10 stamps you'll get a big reward)
Points card (Example: receive 50 points and get a small reward, retrieve 100 points and you'll get a big reward.)
Reward card: (Example: collect points and redeem points for rewards. This allows multiple rewards where the user can select rewards based on his available points)Wenig LeserHow can I distribute/promote my loyalty card?
You can use the QR-code of the loyalty card. To do that, go to loyalty card overview and click on 'View card'
Right click on the QR-codWenig LeserWhere can I view/export all my customers who have subscribed to my loyalty card?
Go to the overview section of your loyalty cards in your dashboard
Click on 'Actions' for one of the loyalty cards where you want to see/export all registrated users. Select "View customers".
( LeserHow does the validation process of the loyalty cards work?
In this article I will explain you how to add new stamps or points to a loyalty stamp card.
Add redeem location(s) to your loyalty card.
Make sure you have at least 1 redeem location for your loyalty card.
Each location has a unique email + password combination.
The merchant will use this password to identify himself and add points/stamps.
Merchants can usWenig LeserHow can I add points or stamps to a loyalty card?
There are 3 methods to add stamps or points to a loyalty card.
1. Scanning the QR-code of the customer
After you have scanned the QR-code then it will ask you to fill in the merchant's password. The password is the one that you have set up on your locations from that loyalty card.
( LeserWhat happens when a consumer reach the goals of stamps?
When a consumer reaches the goal of stamps, they will receive a reward that you have set up in the rewards section of loyalty card builder and they will be automatically redirected to the rewards section of their loyalty card account.
(https://storage.cWenig LeserCan I limit the amount of stamps per day for a loyalty stamp card?
Yes, you can limit the amount of stamps per day.
To enable this, go to the Loyalty Card Builder, and select one of your loyalty cards.
Go to the 'Validation' section of your Loyalty Card builder.
There you can set up the amount of stamps the customer is allowed to get, per day.
Default is "unlimited".
( LeserMobile Wallet Treuekarte flexibles Ablaufdatum Tool
Das flexible Ablaufdatum-Tool für Mobile Wallet Treuekarten im Coupontools Builder ermöglicht es dir, anpassbare Ablaufdaten für deine Treuekarten festzulegen. Befolge die untenstehenden Schritte, um die Ablaufdatumseinstellungen zu konfigurieren.
Schritt 1: Navigiere zum Treuekarten-Bereich
Melde dich im Coupontools Builder an.
Gehe zum Bereich „Treuekarten“.
Erstelle eine neue Treuekarte oder wähle eine bestehende aus.
( LeserImport- und Vertriebswerkzeuge Treuekarte
Mit unserem Import- und Vertrieb-Tool im Coupontools Builder kannst du Benutzer einfach importieren und Treuekarten verteilen. Folge den untenstehenden Schritten, um diesen Prozess reibungslos abzuschließen.
Schritt 1: Zur Treuekarten-Sektion Navigieren
Melde dich im Coupontools Builder an.
Gehe zur Treuekarten-Sektion.
Erstelle eine neue Treuekarte oder wähle eine bestehende aus.
( LeserTreuekarte-Validierung über POS
Dieser Artikel erklärt, wie man eine Treuekarte über ein Point-of-Sales (POS)-System validiert. Der Prozess beinhaltet das Finden von Nutzern im Treueprogramm und das Hinzufügen eines Stempels zu ihrer Treuekarte mithilfe der Coupontools-API.
Schritt 1: Den Nutzer finden
Um eine Treuekarte in deinem POS zu validieren, musst du die Get All Stats API verwenden, um nach einem Nutzer anhand seines Namens zu suchen und seine TreWenig LeserSo legen Sie ein flexibles Ablaufdatum für Prämien in Treuekarten fest
Wenn Sie ein flexibles Ablaufdatum für Prämien in Ihrer digitalen Stempelkarte festlegen möchten, folgen Sie diesen Schritten.
Schritt 1: Bei Coupontools anmelden
Melden Sie sich mit Ihren Zugangsdaten bei Ihrem Coupontools-Konto an.
Schritt 2: Zum Bereich Treuekarten navigieren
Auf der linken Seite des Dashboards finden Sie die Option ‘Treuekarten’. Klicken Sie darauf.
( Leser